We met in the dark roof space of an old Belgian farmhouse. I didn't really notice her at first. There were so many new people and new things to learn. I had come straight from a Tibetan Pulsing workshop where someone had been bouncing up and down on my ovaries for 3 days. There was a lot going on.
The second time we met was months later, passing each other in a corridor of an old monastery. I remember her smiley face, she seemed so pleased to see me, and I her. We didn't leave each other's side for the next 5 days, all day we would be in the workroom together, we sat with each other at meal times and in the evenings she would come and knock on my door asking for a cup of tea. I remember as we sat on my bed, drinking tea, and chatted about our lives we were amazed at how many similarities there were between us.
The first 2 days were great. Back then these Amanae workshops were called a 5 day Intensive, and not without good reason. The work is incredibly powerful and being in a group setting working continuously for 10 hour days is intense. And I loved it. I had been suffering with infertility (amongst other things) and this propelled me to explore myself with deep abandonment. I had the most extraordinary experiences, beautiful, magical, emotional. I received clear messages about this and other lifetimes, I moved through layer upon layer of deep patterning that I no longer needed. And I had so much fun doing it. There are a thousand stories tied up in those 5 days and I will be forever grateful to everyone that was there.
Every day we were paired with someone different. On day three Cat and myself were called together and oh how we laughed with glee. Yipee! We get to work together all day.
As we worked, somewhere in the haze of shifting energy I felt something familiar, with Cat laying on the massage table and me standing beside her, my hand on her heart, I felt an over whelming need to cry out 'run, run, hurry' the tears pouring down my face, a feeling of absolute hopelessness and helplessness, pain, fear, desperation. And Cat was shouting back to me 'I'm trying, please wait'. Heartbreak. Grief. Disbelief. Opening these doorways that had held all of this in, opening the floodgates to other dimensions, other lifetimes. I knew I had lost her in the stampede as our friends and neighbours all scrambled to escape, I knew it was too late. She was gone and I was alone. The grief poured from my heart, the guilt and anger, frustration, not wanting to accept this new reality.
In that lifetime we had been sisters, I was the older one. I never saw her again but I had vowed I would find her. And here she was in an old monastery just outside of Brussels many years and one lifetime later. We clung to each other like the long lost sisters that we were. Sobbing with joy and relief. We had found each other again. This moment was one of those defining ones.
Day 4. We were picked to work with each other again! Yipee! The names are pulled randomly from a hat, fancy that!
Day 5. Our names were read out together again! In those two days we remembered many other times, when we had come to the planet together, some as sisters, some not. Some we remembered the same story and some Cat remembered and I didn't and vice versa. But by the end there was one thing we were clear on, we were here to heal all of the wounds, this is the lifetime for transformation.
Needless to say Cat is one of my closest allies. She is an extraordinary woman and I am honoured to call her my sister. Since we reunited all those years ago we have been on a journey together creating workshops and continuing our own personal healing journeys. In 2018 and 2019 we birthed The Pure Series and last year we created and held The Moon Retreat 2021 at Bala Brook on Dartmoor.
I'm so happy to let you know that we are coming together again for 2 events in 2022. Firstly a 1 day workshop - Realising Your Potential - on the 25th March and there are places available. The venue Revitalize Studios is beautiful, situated in Topsham town, lunch and teas will be provided but what really makes these circles incredible is each woman who takes her place. Would you like to join us? You are so welcome. BOOK HERE.
And in September for The Moon Retreat 2022 at Bala Brook in Dartmoor - now fully booked - 2023 dates coming soon. Join my email list to be the first to be notified.
These are Way Of The Woman events

and all women are welcome.
I hope you can make it.
Love L'aura